Things is a proprietary task management application for Apple devices. Available for well over a decade, Things has a cult-like following and is renowned for its design and ease of use. In August 2021, Things added Markdown support in version 3.14.
Things doesn’t support all Markdown syntax elements, but the elements it does support make sense in the context of the application. The people using Things aren’t using it to write blog posts — they’re taking short notes.
Things maps Markdown formatting to keyboard shortcuts so you don’t have to actually type the characters required to add Markdown formatting. For example, you don’t have to type **
to make your word bold (although you can). Instead, you can just press Command-B and Things will wrap your word in double asterisks.
Things provides support for the following Markdown elements.
Element | Support | Notes |
Headings | Partial | Alternative syntax is not supported. |
Paragraphs | Yes | |
Line Breaks | Yes | |
Bold | Yes | |
Italic | Yes | |
Blockquotes | Yes | |
Ordered Lists | Yes | |
Unordered Lists | Yes | |
Code | Yes | |
Horizontal Rules | Partial | The syntax is supported, but the horizontal rules themselves aren’t rendered in the application. |
Links | Yes | |
Images | Partial | The syntax is supported, but the images themselves aren’t rendered in the application. |
Tables | No | |
Fenced Code Blocks | Yes | |
Syntax Highlighting | No | |
Footnotes | No | |
Heading IDs | No | |
Definition Lists | No | |
Strikethrough | Yes | |
Task Lists | Yes | |
Emoji (copy and paste) | Yes | |
Emoji (shortcodes) | No | |
Highlight | Yes | Use two colons instead of equal signs (e.g., ::word or phrase:: ).
Subscript | No | |
Superscript | No | |
Automatic URL Linking | Yes | |
Disabling Automatic URL Linking | Yes | |
HTML | No |